
Following are the topics which are covered in this section. You can choose from the sub sections or continue directly below the sub sections.

Job and Work Satisfaction – Cubicle Trends

Satisfaction in what ever we do is very necessary as then only an individual wants to do the same again. It is as simple as that if an individual is working in an office and he or she is very well satisfied with his or her job, the result of all this is that due to the satisfaction in the job the person will want to work for the employer and in very simple terms will be wanting to come the next day to work. The present scenario is such that the challenges for the employers have increased a lot and the result of all this is that the level of the competition has gone up a lot and all this comes indirectly in one way or the other on the staff members as they are required to meet the needed things to cope up with the various kinds of the challenges that come up in the market from the time to time. These days the personal life is being avoided in the case of the staff members and there is time for them to come to the office but there is no time for them to go. The research work that has been done in this regard at the various places of the world by the various researchers or the scientists from the time to time very clearly suggest that in the present scenario the level of the satisfaction at the job in the case of the staff member depends a lot on the conditions that are prevailing at the work station and near by and kind of the work that has been given to the staff member and whether the same is in the accordance of the liking sand the string points of the staff member as this affects a lot in getting the maximum out of the staff member.

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Factors Required for Effective Sense of Communication

The communication said to be successful in nature if the message given by the sender is conveyed to the receiver in the exactly same manner without any distortion, addition or deletion in the message. The feeling of the message should also be kept in the mind and the receiver should get the message in the same way. If the communication is perfect then the information that reaches the receiver is completely unaltered and without any distortion. However there is nothing that is 100 per cent in nature. In the same way perfect communication is also not possible in nature. As the input cannot be equal to the output due to the loss of energy in between the process of the work in the same way complete communication cannot take place. The hurdles that can take place creating a problem in the communication process are called the barriers of the communication. Communication is hence made ineffective, incomplete and wasteful.

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Communication – Psychological Relation

The psychological barriers in the communication are the most common one that are found during the process of transferring the information from one to another. These kinds of hurdles are produced due to emotions, feelings, mindset, perception, social values etc. Due to this distance is created in the mind and the heart of the people and hence resulting into the misunderstanding and hence hindering the communication process. The misperception of one person leads to the creation of the misunderstanding which creates the difference in the minds of the people hence it leads to the barrier in the communication. These kinds of the barriers include the selective perceptions, premature evaluation, different comprehension of the reality, attitude of the superior, attitude of the subordinates, poor listening, egotism and emotions or feelings. The selective perceptions include the role of our sensory receptors which have their own limitations. We normally do not understand the things as a whole but only a part of it according to our needs and experience, background, motives etc.

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What is the Importance of Communication Skills?

The communication skills play the important role in the personality development of the person. A person is well groomed and personally developed if he has the basic communication skills. These skills are required in order to interact properly and nicely with the people around him. It is not important if the person is educated, he will talk nicely and acquire the communication skill too. These things come with the practice. In order to talk nicely to everyone one needs to acquire lots of patience and the practice to be done at the same time. The communication skill is the ability to interact with all other in an effective way. It helps to maintain the healthy social relationship and makes us professionally a strong personality. One can share the feelings and thoughts in his mind with others in the different ways. It is never too late to maintain this quality in us. We can prepare to be good in these skills by learning the certain things and adding them as our habit. The good vocabulary and the proper expression at the required time can help us to be good in the communication process.

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Interview Skills and Communication Skills

It is said that first impression is the last impression. While in the interview the way we talk and converse with the interviewer will leave a kind of impression on the interviewer that will affect the result of the interviewee. It helps the interviewer to judge the person on the basis of its communication skills. The skills required for this purpose will make the person more impactful while talking and giving his introduction. The more is revealed by the person once he opens his mouth while talking. The person has very few chances to prove himself during the interview time. The little time in the interview decides a lot about the career of the interviewee. The looks also play an important role in the interview but the communication skills are still more important.

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