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Attitude – Crash Diets

The attitude of an individual depends a lot on the large number of factors and one of them is the type of the diet one is dependent on in the day to day life of an individual. As this factor charges people to work whole day by starting the day with a suitable diet of there liking and then ending the day in the same way by having a diet of there interest. In this article we will be covering the concept of the various features of the attitude depending on the one of the type of the diet and this is generally referred to as the crash diet. A crash diet in easy to easy terms in our day to day life can be termed as or can be defined as the type of a diet that is very extreme in the nutritional value deprivations and especially on the restricting calorie in take procedure. The main motive of this type of the diet is the vision to achieve the rapid weight loss and this type of the diet may also differ from then out right starvation but only on a slighter side of the process. Such forms are not at all meant to be lasting for the long periods of the time, which mean to say that the time duration can be summarised only for a few weeks. In the case of the crash diets, it can be termed as the term that on a especial note implies a lack of the concern for the proper type of the nutrition. But all done than said is the case here as following this type of the diet is not that easy and in the poetic terms can be termed as to be very scary as referred to as by a large no of the authors. The major thing that plays a very critical role here is that the individual lacks that sincere concern and that commitment to feed ourselves right at the right times. The correct scenario is that the procedure is of the nature and is highly dependent on the mechanism of the demand and the supply. One thing that should be kept in mind here is that the person should not at all lose ones mind as it directly affects the attitude of the person. Correct steps not only change the body but also the mind and also the soul of an individual. In a survey conducted, a large amount of the people feel that the diets were all about the starving and in some other words as referred to as by a large no of the persons it can be said to be as punishing your self. But one needs to change these types of the thoughts and also change the perception that one makes in ones mind before even under standing any thing.

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ATTITUDE – Validity of the inventory

The school attitude inventory has been validated in two types of the ways, the first one being the original list of the fifty seven items was given to the three hundred and sixty pupils, then each item was analysed to determine that to how much effectively it is able to differentiate the upper and the lower level of the twenty seven percent of the individuals in the distribution of the scores. Only those items which are clearly able to differentiate between these two upper and the lower twenty seven percent of the individuals In the distribution of the scores and only those items which are clearly differentiated between these two high and the low score groups were included in the inventory. Second one being the teachers of the five schools in Delhi, chosen at random was asked to write the names of the students in their classes who were poorly adjusted and those who were well adjusted to the school environment. In the poorly adjusted group they were instructed to include the students who disliked the school and also who were frequently a source of the trouble to the teacher and who did not get along well with their fellow students. In the well adjusted group they were asked to include the students who liked the school and also who get along well with the other students and also with the teachers and who seldom if ever caused the teachers and the principal any type of the trouble. The school attitude inventory was then administered to all those two groups. The means of the total weighted score form the two groups were compared and the results showed that the significant agreement between the judgements of the teachers and the results of the inventory with the respect to the school adjustment of these pupils. The inventory generally involves around the rao school attitude inventory and this type of the inventory is a type of the scale that helps and plays a very major role in the measuring of the attitude of the student towards the school. The inventory consists of the thirty statements and out of these thirty, 15 are positive and the remaining 15 are negative in the nature. It is a five point scale consisting almost, most often, frequently, sometimes, never, suitable, instructions that are provided on the top of the each scale paper. The respondents on the positive statement was given the numerical value of 5,4,3,2,1 and the response on the negative statement was given the value of the 1,2,3,4,5. In this way the positive and the negative responses have been properly balanced. The Rao school attitude inventory is in the English language but as the English language or the English version could not be followed properly by the students as was experimented on the 20 students, so in the consultation with the supervisor, it was decided to translate the same in to the Punjabi which was the first language after the English of the Ss of the study. Due care is and was taken regarding the fact that the translation did not in any way change the meaning and the sense of the statement.

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Attitude – Review of Literature

The History reveals from time to time that the man is such a creation that is always made or is keen to learn from the experience of the others. Man is such a creature that he always seeks the help and also the guidance from his or her ancestors. So it will be very wise to before moving any further one should lay a large amount of the emphasis on the present type of the study or the research work that is going on in India and even in the abroad. So now with the positive emphasis on the present study that involve the study that is very essential and also very key in finding out the field of the related studies. Also here it is very important and essential to keep one self informed about the all forms of the researches that have been done in all the related fields and also in the related fields. By doing all this, the things that will come in to the existence are that this will at a large be very helpful to the research workers or the scientists to avoid the various type of the pit falls and will also help at a very large scale in broadening the his or her vision with regard to the present research problems that are in existence and are being faced by the research workers of the scientists or the mentors. A large amount of the research by the research workers has been found to be carried out in the field of the finding out the problems of the attitude of the dull and the bright students of the various types of the school and also there attitude towards the respective schools. The various researches that have been conducted are still going on help the research workers or the scientists to review all those of the studies that are found to be in the relevance with the present type of the investigation that are going on in this regard in India or in the abroad. Mal pass in the 1953 tried to conduct an in depth study of the relation ship between the students perception towards the respective school to the achievement. The study conducted by the mall pass mainly were the students of the junior high school and after making the in depth analysis of this research work, he was able to come to a conclusion that said that the students who were of the liking of the school had achieved much better results in various types of the field as compared to the ones who were not having liking towards the school.

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Attitude of the Bright and Dull students towards school

The main purpose of this type of the study on an international stage mainly focuses on the fact to find out the typical attitude of the dull and the bright students towards the respective schools. The investigator administered the intelligence test called as the Samoohik Mansik Yogyata on 400 students and these students included 200 males and 200 remaining were the females. And all these were from three boy’s schools and three girls schools. On the basis of the Q1 and the Q3, 100 bright (50 male and remaining 50 female) and 100 dull (50 male and 50 female) students were identified. In order to identify or measure the attitude of these identified dull and the bright students, Rao school attitude inventory was brought in use by the investigator in the Punjabi version. The reliability of this scale was found to be .81. The scale was administered in to the groups by going personally to the schools which had the respondents of the study. The data that was collected through the administration of the Rao school attitude inventory was at that tome given the statistical treatment as at that particular time the situation demanded such a step to conduct the investigation in a proper sense with a vision of achieving the desired results. The higher limit and the lower limit of the median was found out, which came to be 128.2 and 115.1 respectively. The students whose score was above the higher limit of the median i.e. 128.2 were termed as to be having favorable attitudes and the students who were found to have achieved score below the lower limit of the median i.e. 115.1 were termed as to be having the unfavourable attitudes towards the school. The mean, standard deviation, standard error and the t ratio of the dull and the bright students, dull male and the dull female and the bright male and the bright female were calculated in order to find out the significant differences, if any in the attitudes towards school of the dull and the bright, dull male and the female and the bright male and the female and the bright male and the female.

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A brief introduction about Attitude

According to Thurstone, in 1946, attitude was said to be as the degree of the positive or the negative affect that is said to be associated with the some of the psychological objects. By the psychological effects, the Thurstone, refers to as the any type of the symbol or the phrase or the person or the institution or any type of the ideal or further any type of the idea mainly towards the type of the people that can appear to be as the different subject with the reference to the positive or the negative effect. After Thurstone, came in to the picture was the All port and he in 1935, said that the attitude can be defined as the mental state or the neutral state of the readiness that in turn is organised through the experience and then further exerting a directive or a very dynamic influence up on the individuals response to all the objects with which it is related. After these two research workers came in to the picture, the H B and the H B English dictionary that in 1958 defined the word attitude as the one of the many terms that are found to be referring to an aspect of the personality inferred to an account for or the objects. An individual who has always associated positive effect or the feeling with some of the psychological object is said to be as the liking of the object or to the one with the favourable attitude towards the object.

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