
Following are the topics which are covered in this section. You can choose from the sub sections or continue directly below the sub sections.

What are benefits of Job Satisfaction?

Research has concluded that there is a relationship between job satisfaction and performance of the employees. Thus, job satisfaction or job dissatisfaction is an important concern of the management. High job satisfaction may lead to improved productivity, decreased turnover, and improved attendance, reduced accidents, less job stress and less unionization. Job dissatisfaction produces low morale among workers and low morale at work is highly undesirable. In examining the outcomes of job satisfaction, it is important to break down the analysis into a series of specific subtopics. The following subtopics explain the outcomes of job satisfaction:

1. Job Satisfaction and Productivity: Is there any positive relationship between satisfaction and productivity? This controversy has been there over a number of years. Although, majority of people believe that there is a positive relationship, but research evidence concludes that there is not strong relationship between these two. According to the research findings of VROOM conducted in 1964, the medium correlation between satisfaction and performance is only 0.14. LAWLER and PORTER found that there is more evidence to suggest that job performance leads to job satisfaction and not the other way round. An employee who is a poor performer will get fewer rewards and will be less satisfied with his job experience.

However, the sayings that “A happy worker is a productive worker” are not always wrong. If people receive rewards which have both intrinsic and extrinsic value and they feel that there rewards are equitable, they will be satisfied and this will lead to greater job performance.

Moreover, research also includes that job satisfaction may not necessarily lead to improvement of individual performance but it does lead to departmental and organizational level improvement.

2. Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover: Unlike the relationship between satisfaction and performance, research has concluded a moderate relationship between job satisfaction and turnover. High employee turnover is a matter of concern for the management as it disrupt the normal operations and continuous replacement of employees who leave the organization is costly and technically undesirable. Managerial concern is mostly for the turnover which arises because of job dissatisfaction. The employees, thus, tries to keep the employees satisfied on their jobs to minimize the turnover. Though, high job satisfaction in itself cannot keep the turnover low but considerable job dissatisfaction will definitely increase the employee turnover.

The employee turnover is affected by certain other factors also, in addition to job satisfaction. Commitment to the organization is one such factor some employees, however dissatisfied they arc with their jobs, they cannot imagine themselves working anywhere else. Another important factor is the better opportunities of employment. Even if the people arc highly satisfied with their jobs, they arc willing to leave if there are better opportunities available anywhere else. If no other opportunities are available, the employees will stay where they arc, irrespective of dissatisfaction.

On the overall basis, we can say that there is an important role played by job satisfaction in employee turnover.

3. Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism: It has been conclusively proved that there is an inverse relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism. When satisfaction is high, absenteeism is low and when satisfaction is low, absenteeism is high. Less satisfied employees are more likely to be absent from work due to avoidable reasons. This is known as voluntary absenteeism as against unavoidable absenteeism which is due to illness or other emergency reasons. Management must be concerned with voluntary absenteeism, because it is related to job satisfaction. Absenteeism can be modified by certain factors. Research has found that people who believe that their work is important have lower absenteeism as compared to those who do not feel that way. Moreover, it is important to remember that while high job satisfaction will not necessarily result in low absenteeism (because of unavoidable absenteeism), but low job satisfaction will definitely bring about high absenteeism.

4. Job Satisfaction and Union Activities: It has been proved that satisfied employees are generally not interested in unions and they do not perceive them as necessary. Job satisfaction has proved to be the major cause of unionization. The employees join the unions because they feel that individually they are unable to influence changes which would eliminate the causes of job dissatisfaction. The level of union activities is related to the level of job dissatisfaction. Low level of dissatisfaction results in only grievances while higher levels of dissatisfaction will result in employee strikes.

5. Job Satisfaction and Safety: When people are dissatisfied with their jobs, company and supervisors, they are more prone to experience accidents. An underlying reason for this is that dissatisfaction lakes one’s attention away from the task at hand and leads directly to accidents. A satisfied worker will always be careful and attentive towards his job, and the chances of accidents will be less. Here, we are discussing about the avoidable accidents and not the unavoidable ones.

6. Other effects of Job Satisfaction: In addition, there are a number of other effects brought about by high job satisfaction. Highly satisfied employees tend to have better physical and mental health, learn the new job related tasks easily, and have less job stress and unrest. Such employees will become more co¬operative such as helping coworkers, helping customers etc. Such behavior will improve unit performance and organizational effectiveness.

To conclude, we can say that job satisfaction results from the employee’s perception that the job content and context actually provide what an employee values in the work situation. Organizationally speaking, high level of job satisfaction reflects a highly favorable organizational climate resulting in attracting and retaining better workers.

What is the role of job satisfaction as a motivation technique?

Job satisfaction is an important technique that is used to motivate the employees. As most of the people spend a major part of their life at the work place, job satisfaction is very important in creating happy employees and happy human beings. An employee who is satisfied also has better physical and mental health. Though job satisfaction cannot be seen it can be inferred as it relates to the feelings of the workers towards their jobs. It is generally determined by how the outcome will meet the expectations or exceed them. The employees who feel that they have to work harder than the other employees or that they are receiving lesser rewards may feel dissatisfied and a negative attitude towards their jobs, their boss and co-workers may creep in. On the contrary the workers who feel that they are paid equitably and treated fairly by their organization feel satisfied with their job and also have a positive attitude towards their jobs. Sometimes the terms job satisfaction and job attitudes are used interchangeably as a positive attitude towards the job is in concept equal to job satisfaction and a negative attitude towards the job can indicate dissatisfaction with the job. Even though the two terms are used interchangeably, there is difference between the two. Job satisfaction is a sub-set of attitude which reflects the feelings of the workers towards the individuals and the organizations. While attitude refers to up predisposition to respond the job satisfaction relates to the performance factors. Similarly attitudes are long lasting but job satisfaction is dynamic and keeps on changing. It can decline very rapidly hence the managers are required to keep an eye on the level of job satisfaction among the employees.

What is Authority ?

Authority is binding force of an organization. Without authority a manager ceases to be a manager. In context of management authority can be described as the right to guide and direct the actions of others to secure responsive which are desirable for the achievement of the organizational goals. Authority is the right to decide and direct how others will perform their duties. It is also the right to make decisions and then get these decisions carried out.

Authority is formal in nature and is supported by either tradition, law or standards of authority. Authority is not unlimited, the limit and extant of authority are defined in advanced. It is a relationship between superior and his subordinates which is used to achieve the organizational goals. It is used to influence the behavior of the subordinates.

What is Group Dynamics?

Group dynamic refers to the forces operating in groups. The group dynamics is a term concerned with the interaction forced with among the members of a group in social situations. The same concept is applicable to the groups in organization, whether these are formal or informal in nature. While some see group dynamics as describing the method of conducted and organizing group other say that it consists of set of techniques like role playing brain storming team building and transactional analysis.

From managerial point of view, work group is a primary means through which managers coordinate the behavior of individuals to achieve organizational goals. The managers direct the activities of the individuals and also direct and coordinate the interaction within the groups.

What are the different Leadership Styles?

Several terms have been used to defined the leadership styles of individuals and the most commonly use terms to describe leadership styles are:

(i) Autocratic leader: The autocratic leader assumes all the responsibility for decision making, initiating action and directing and controlling the subordinates. Powers are centralized in the hands of the leader who wants obedience and adherence to his decisions from the subordinates. The autocratic leader reviews that performance level of his subordinates with a view to eliminate any deviations from his directives.

(ii) The participated leader: Leadership by consultation is practiced in this style of leadership. The leader does not delegate his powers to make final decision but he does seek the opinion of his subordinates on different matters that affect them. To be effective the participated leader should listen and accept the contribution of his subordinates wherever it is possible and practical to do so. Though the final authority lies with the leader he becomes more supportive rather than being dictatorial.

(iii) Free Rein Leader: Leaders following this style of leadership delegate the decision making authority to their subordinates to completely. The leaders accept the subordinates to take their responsibility of their motivation, guidance and control. Other than providing the basic rules the leader provides a limited amount of support to the subordinates. As the contact is limited the subordinates have to be high qualified and capable of doing their job of achieving successful results.

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