
Following are the topics which are covered in this section. You can choose from the sub sections or continue directly below the sub sections.

Explain the concept of Information?

The main aim of communication is giving and receiving information through different kind of mediums like that of verbal, written or through body language, signs and expressions. Basically information is different from that of data. Data is simply the sign, symbols or characters without meaning where information means a processed data which have some meaning and value in its own. Bare accounts of assets, capitals, liabilities etc give no information and are just merely a data. However when this same things are arranged in a balance sheet form to give a financial position of a business it is called information. Information is a commodity that is versatile. It increase analytical skills and decisive power and guide the information towards efficiency of economy. In business one need different information to interpret the position of the business. Information is like lubricating oil that keeps the functioning of the business smooth. It is very important to make the information in the business up to date and the data processes is arrange in such a way to make it useful for the business. In order to get the precise information one needs to create the system in the company which let effective data flow and smooth functioning.

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What is the role of Suggestion in communication?

Another important aim of the communication is the suggestion. The suggestions are normally are upward in the nature and this is mainly because of the reason that these are actually the proposals that are given by the subordinates that are higher than them and also it indicates the change that is very essential for the procedure that already exists.

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What are the Effective Communication Parameters?

In this world of the excessive competition, the various type of the data and the research work that has come in to the lime light in the whole world, very clearly suggest that any individual never ever can move alone towards the light of the growth and the same can only be achieved if the work is done as a team and then the pattern of the growth takes place. So communication is the basic of the life at the personal level or at the work station. For every individual it is very necessary to transfer the information from the one end to the other as everything can not be done by the same individual as a whole and hence the work needs to be distributed and hence here comes the role of the communication. One must be open with every one to take the communication in the forward direction as the communication at every point in the life of an individual acts as the top priority. So it is very necessary to have such a positive environment for the individuals, so that they all can communicate between each other as by this only the informational transfer can take place. But the point that is very important to be followed here is that just communication is not enough as it needs to be done in the required refined way.

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Explain the importance of Listening

Listening is actually by far the most important and the most vital step or process of the communication that takes place as the waves of sound hits with the ears. Listening and hearing is not the same process. Listening refers to receiving the message in the meaningful way and understanding the thoughts in the message. Human beings listen very frequently. In the daily routine we normally hear while in order to receive a message in a meaningful way we usually hear. It is an important step in the process of communication. With the increase in the time of career one spends more time on listening. One person on average spends more than 50 per cent on listening. This skill plays an important role in some of the career options like that of sale person, personal manager, general manager etc. One can find out the needs of the other person once he listens to the other. General Manager needs this quality as he needs to find out what does the customer needs. On the operational level one need to listen more in order to find the need of the customers. It is necessary to first understand rather than to be understood. Misunderstandings occur due to poor listening sometimes.

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Explain the concepts of Oral Communication

The oral communication acts as one of the major and the very critical media of the communication as it helps to transfer the information from one end to the other depending on the large number of the factors. There are a number of the ways by which the communication can take place and these include in the written form or in the oral form or in the form of the gestures etc. all these are referred to as the medias of the communication as all of these act as a platform or the source or the channel to transfer the information from one end to the other. The use of these instruments depend on a number of the factors that include the amount of the matter that is to be transferred, the time that is available for the communication, the cost of the whole process and much more. The various forms of the medias that can be used for carrying on the process of the communication involves the face to face communication, with the help of the telephones or the mobiles, E-mail, Video conferencing, fax, email etc. All the above mentioned medias act as the verbal medias of the communication but in addition to all these there are a large number of the non-verbal medias of the communication as well that include carrying on the process of the communication with the help of the facial expressions or with the help of the body language and many more. The non verbal instruments of the communication are normally used in the informal chats and hence on the basis of the formal Medias that are available for the transfer of the information, there are basically 2 types of the Medias, the oral communication and the written communication. In this article we will be discussing about the oral communication.

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