
Explain designing of the Control System?

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Designing the control system
1. Objectives

a. The objective of the control system should be fixed.
b. The picture of the objective should be very clear in the mind of the people involved.
c. Answers to the questions like what to control and how to control etc. should be well planned beforehand, before the introduction of the control system.
d. The objective should be decided on the basis of the design of the system.
e. The deviation should be signaled automatically by the system.

2. Design essentials

a. The designing of the control should be done based on the desires of the customer.
b. For a particular control system, one person should be nominated responsible.
c. For knowing or testing the degree of the reliability, it is very essential to calibrate the various measuring instruments.
d. The corrections should be carried out.
e. Must possess feedback to its correctness.
f. The critical points form a very critical part of the control system design.
g. The deviation that occurs must be calculated or measured.

This article has been written by KJ Singh a MBA Graduate from a prestigious Business School In India
Article Published:July 20, 2011
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