
What are the Effective Communication Parameters?

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In this world of the excessive competition, the various type of the data and the research work that has come in to the lime light in the whole world, very clearly suggest that any individual never ever can move alone towards the light of the growth and the same can only be achieved if the work is done as a team and then the pattern of the growth takes place. So communication is the basic of the life at the personal level or at the work station. For every individual it is very necessary to transfer the information from the one end to the other as everything can not be done by the same individual as a whole and hence the work needs to be distributed and hence here comes the role of the communication. One must be open with every one to take the communication in the forward direction as the communication at every point in the life of an individual acts as the top priority. So it is very necessary to have such a positive environment for the individuals, so that they all can communicate between each other as by this only the informational transfer can take place. But the point that is very important to be followed here is that just communication is not enough as it needs to be done in the required refined way.

The abnormal communication can lead to the various types of the adverse affects as it can lead to the various types of the misunderstandings, so it is very important for all the organisations or the firms to possess the quality of the very effective communication as it will save the time and the employees will be helped to move further on the path of the growth. The communication can be done in the oral form or the written form but in which ever way the communication is carried forward, it is very necessary to make the same very effective in the nature. It can be the oral talk or the transfer of the message or the information or it can be the transfer of the message in the form of the memos, letters or reports etc, the communication must be very effective in the nature as then only it will be able to deliver the desired results. The communication must be illustrative in the nature by the use of the minimum of the quantity and the communication must be very candid, clear, and correct, complete, concrete, concise and also very courteous in the nature. These are actually referred to as the 7 Cs of the communication and actually act as the very solid pillars of the effective communication. Aside from all these Cs of the effective communication, there are a lot of the other various basic principles of the communication that take the communication further towards the path of the effectiveness. The message that is delivered from one end to the other must be very straight forward in the nature as the indirect type of the message that may be untrue or multi vocal in the nature, lead to the ineffective form of the communication. It has also been observed that when the information is based on the truth or is actually the truth, the listener or the receiver have the great amount the interest in the same and the people keep listening to the speaker. So the frank and the candid messages help a lot in the making of the communication very effective in the nature. One should not flow in the wave of the situation and one must always convey the true form of the information as with the help of such type of the communication, one can avoid the certain type of the doubts as well as the prejudices regarding the sincerity of the individual.


The information that is being delivered from one end to the other in the form of the oral communication or in the form of the written communication, must be very clear in the nature and this clarity can be achieved if the speaker is having an in depth analysis of the topic and also if he is confident about the information that he or she transferring is true. The over all expression about the information must be very correct and also very clear of the thought. For the effective form of the communication, the clarity is in fact the most required tool as with the help of the message that is clear in the nature; the same can be stemmed from the hearts that are clear followed by the minds that are very clear in the nature. The sender must be very clear about the matter that he or she wants to transfer as the message must be made in the mind of the sender before the same is to be transferred and for this he or she must keep the mind clear and fresh and then proceed towards the making of the data that has to be transferred from one end to the other. The sender must be clear of the fact that what type of the impact must be left on the receiver and for this what type of the tools must be used by the sender regarding this for making the communication perfect and effective in the nature. The various types of the confusions must be avoided of the communication and the same can be avoided by the very clear presentation of the various forms of the expressions as with this the sender becomes or can become very careful in the nature regarding the formation of the words that are to be used in the communication and the meaning of the various words that are being used in the communication helped with the various forms of the symbols that form a very major part of the communication and help the communication to become very effective in the nature by a great deal. For making the communication very effective in the nature accompanied by the very clear form of the expressions that are not at all having the multi inferences and the interpretations, it requires the special effort in this regard to make the communication effective in the nature. With the help of the use of the very solid and the firm precise words, the clarity in the expression can be brought or at times can be increased as with the help of these words the information looks to be very short and concise but actually such type of the information is able to transfer all of the information that is actually needed to be delivered from the one end to the other.


One should always try to use the words that are easy to pronounce or are easy to spell as with use of the long or the heavy words, it becomes very difficult for the receiver to get or understand the information, if in any of the case he or she is not having the perfection over the language. Those words need to be used that are suitable for the situation and are very commonly used in the transfer of the information from one side to the other as by using these type of the familiar words, the communication can be made more and more effective in the nature. With the help of such words, one can form the sentences that are much more effective in the nature and ultimately leading to the paragraphs having a large amount of the clarity. The use of the long sentences must be avoided but instead the shorter sentences must be used but one thing that should be kept in the mind is that these shorter sentences must be such that they must be able to convey all the information that is needed to be transferred from one side to the other side. In order to avoid the confusion and to provide the clarity, the sentence that is being used must have only one thing being discussed or transferred at one point of the time other wise the same can lead to the coming of the confusion in to the picture. The sentences should contain such an appropriate use or arrangement of the words that the main thing that needs to be transferred should be able to exist very easily in the sentence and the other supporting information must be prevalent as the clause that is subordinate or dependent in the nature. The various tabulations, headings, line charts, graphs, coloured capital letters, pie charts and the italic letters must be used in such an elegant way that the total image of the message is improved along with the total impact of the words and the sentence and ultimately the whole of the paragraph. The various forms of the business jargons and the various other technical words should be used in the information or the message only when the information is being transferred to the individuals who are professional in the working and hence will be able to understand the meaning of all of these words but in the normal course of the time, such words must be avoided.

The information that is being transferred from one party to the other must be complete in the nature as if the information is incomplete, it can at times become the cause for the misinterpretation and the misunderstanding between the two parties and it can lead to the communication that is less effective in the nature. Various types of the questions may be asked in case of the transfer of the incomplete communication and all this ultimately leads to the wastage of the time as well as of the resources and hence at times by all this, the receiver may loose his or her patience and may lead to irritating the receiver. Hence every thing here must be planned in a very proper way and also arranged in a logical sequence with every aspect and the relevant detail inserted in a very proper way. The complete type of the information can help in getting the desired results and hence ultimately saving the extra expenses that may have incurred in case of the additional transfer of the messages. A good value of the dealing and the relationship can be developed with the help of the complete messages as this type of the messages have the complete information that is required by the receiver and all this shows the concern and the care of the speaker for the receiver. At times where there is the presence of the law suits, the complete messages play a very key role to help avoiding the various types of the law suits that are very expensive in the nature as in the complete message, the required information is present and such scenes can be avoided but this is not the case in the scenario of the incomplete messages. Suddenly a type of the information can move on from the normal stature to the very important stature if the same is having the required information in complete and also in a very effective manner. The message can be said to be complete in the nature is it is having all that is required by the receiver and that too arranged in a very proper and the logical manner as required by the receiver. The speaker must check the information according to the 5 W questions that say that the information must be able to answer the important questions of the how, when, what, why, where accompanied by the various other questions of the how. Like when one needs to transfer the message of the conference being conducted, one must be able to inform about the information of the where is the conference, when is the conference, why the same is being conducted, what all subjects will be discussed in the same, who all are involved in the conference and also how many members or the public is expected to reach at the conference.


The communication should be such that it must understand the basic parameter of the questions that may arise and the information hence should be in such a way that it must have all the answers for every such type of the question that may have the possibility that may arise in the mind of the reader at any point of the time. Like in the case of the letter that is being drafted regarding the sale of the certain type of the goods by the company to the other company and one must understand that in this case the question s that will be revolving in the mind of the reader can be the details of the product, the price, the quality, the quantity, the various fields where the same can be used. Now the information that is being transferred in the form of the letter must be drafted in such a particular way that all these questions must be answered and hence as a result of all this, the reader will be satisfied and in the case when the reader will not be having any type of the question in this regard, the time will not be wasted at all and the communication will be made in a very efficient way. When ever the communication is in a very long form or is quite lengthy, the receiver at maximum of the times looses the interest in the message and the communication in such a scenario can not be done in the effective way as in this type of the communication, it is very possible that the receiver will show no or very less interest in the talk and hence as a result of all this, the sender will not be able to get the suitable type of the feedback or the reaction in the return. Hence to get the attention of the reader and also to in turn save the very critical time, it is very necessary that the whole of the message be very concise in the nature. Being concise in the nature does not mean that one should skip some of the information that needs to be transferred but instead it should be made a practice that minimum of the words are used and these words should be very strong in the nature and these words should be such that being less in the number these must be able to deliver the whole of the information from one end to the other, being very clear and also very concise in the nature. So the bottom line is that the various type of the information that is not important must be avoided and the required information must stand out so that the information is not unnecessary and aimless in its respective effect. The messages that are short and also concise in the nature usually attract the reader as they appear more interesting to the reader and in other words, the personal and the professional life of the receiver is respected as the precious time is not wasted by the long messages and by the not required information. Hence in the other words it can be said that the communication should be such that it should take the help of the less number of the words having the ability to say all those things, which are required by the receiver. The required facts must be included in the communication as these make the communication strong and effective and also interesting in the nature. The use of the single words can be made in the place of the long phrases but these should be such that they should not change the meaning of the word and ultimately the whole of the communication. The wordy and the trite form of the expressions must not be used and one must use the single words that are very simple in the nature in the place of the use of the 2 words but are conveying the same message or are having the same meaning. This all helps in making the information very effective in the nature. The various types of the prepositional phrases that are not that important and necessary must be avoided to use as with these the information seems to be less effective in the nature. The main motive of the message must be kept in the mind and hence according to this picture in the mind, the material that is required and is in line with the motive must be included and the other must be avoided. The introduction no doubt is very necessary and also very important as it gives the idea of the whole of the message but it should not at all be lengthy in the nature. The information must be repeated in the communication as this will bore the receiver and such information should also not be used that is already known to the receiver. With the help of all these subjects, the communication will become more and more effective in the nature.

The communication should consist of such type of the information that is very concrete in the nature, means it should not be vague in any sense. As with the help of the specific type of the information the receiver is able to make a picture of the information in his or her mind and if the information is vague, the receiver will not be able to make this picture in the correct way. Like if one goes to an electronics showroom to buy a washing machine and is the sales officer says that the rate of the washing machine is high and if the other sales officer says that the rate of the washing machine is Rs 23000. Now here the information that is given by the second sales officer is very correct and also up to the mark as here the information consists of the very strong words that help in providing all the information that is required by the enquirer and hence helps in making the communication very effective in the nature as it possesses the facts that are required by the receiver. In the case of the memo, letter, report, advertisement copy etc, it is very necessary to provide all the figures and the facts in place of the general view of the information. With the help of the language that is very concrete in the nature helps in reducing the chances of the misinterpretation of the information by the receiver and also with this the level of the likelihood is increased as there are more chances of the message being liked and also understood by the receiver. The vague messages are very general in the nature as are not at all having the rich texture that makes the information very dynamic, vivid, interesting and ultimately effective in the nature. Hence in the other words it can be said that the use of the figures and the facts is very necessary and the certain words that are very confusing and uncertain in the nature must be avoided in the information. The use of the active voice must be preferred over the use of the passive voice. The information that is being delivered from one end to the other must be correct in the spellings as if it is not the case, it leaves a very poor impression over the receiver and before reading the same, the game is lost and the receiver forms a very bad picture of the message and also of the individual who here is acting as the sender. The spelling, format, grammar, contents followed by the various type of the statistical information. The communication must not be carried just for the sake for communicating and hence the data and the complete information must be very true and correct in the nature as the inaccurate and the incorrect statements can lead to the conflict of the interest by misleading the reader. The level of the confidence of the communicator is also affected to a very large extent and in the end hits the reputation and the image of the firm or the organisation. Such type of the communication can be followed by the various types of the disastrous and the erroneous decisions that at times can be very harmful for the individual as well as for the firm. So it very necessary and also imperative for the sender to send the information only after the proper verification of the correctness of the information and after that only the information must be presented to the receiver. For the correct message it is very necessary that the grammar, spelling and the punctuation are very correct supported by the very correct and the accurate facts and the figures followed by the verification of the totals and the statistical data. The language that is being used in the information that is being transferred from one to the other can be either formal in the nature or informal in the nature. It has been observed that the scholarly writing finds its combination with the formal writing that includes the doctoral dissertations, legal documents, scholarly articles, and top level agreements of the government. But the case of the writing of the business is some what different as this type of the writing is almost associated with the informal writing. The effectiveness of the communication can be maintained if the environment of the communication is very suitable being very healthy and congenial in the nature. The message should be very courteous in the nature with the manners playing a very dominant role in making the communication very effective in the nature. In the whole process of the communication, if an individual is over all helpful, friendly, cooperative and compassionate in the nature of the working, a much more suitable environment for the communication can be formed as the presence of the irritation, impatience and the sarcasm affects the performance of the communication. But this does not mean that the reader is forced to listen patiently even if the speaker is wrong, so in such a case one must criticise when ever required by being very tactful in the working so that the heat generated is lesser in the amount as compared to the light. While communicating, one must be in the right frame of the mind, one must listen to whole of the information and then after that only try to come to a decision and one must not come in to the picture of the communication being disturbed or irritated initially as this all will have a bad impact on the whole of the communication and the receiver will not be able to absorb the information in the correct form and will seriously affect his or her reputation, so it can be said that one must be quiet and should be ready to listen to others by giving others the chance to speak. The tone of an individual must be very polite and respectful as by this one can be sincere in the whole of the communication as the courtesy is not just limited to the use of the words like the please and thank you and has a lot of the other things too in its fold. One must be thankful to other party for the favour and the generosity shown by the other and one must use the word please for requesting for something to the other party. The self respect of the others must be given a priority and should always be taken care off. All these factors help a lot in the making of the communication better and effective in the nature and it helps a lot in building the social and the personal relation of the individuals with the other set of the individuals and ultimately makes the life at the personal level as well as at the office level, very efficient in the nature and appropriate for the working in the true sense. As mentioned earlier, the 7 Cs play a very critical and the vital role in the making of the communication to the deserving highest level of the communication but along with these 7 Cs, there are certain other points too that also deserve some kind of the attention and hence play a very important role in making the communication effective in the nature. The communication depends a lot on the atmosphere that is present when the communication is taking place as it allows the speaker to be more relieved in the nature and also feel much more confident in the nature and also the correct type of the environment helps in carrying out the communication in a very positive way. The environment must be synergetic in the nature and with the help of this the information can be transferred from one side to the other in a much more effective form. The major forms of the misunderstandings that actually arise from time to time are actually a result of the unfavourable conditions that exist during the communication. The misunderstandings act as the rules instead of the exceptions and the major research work that has been done in India and in the whole world also supports this fact that the various forms of the misunderstandings take place due to the unfavourable conditions that are prevalent during the communication. There are certain words in the vocabulary that are actually neutral words and at times interpret wrong form of the meanings. The speaker may be trying to convey the positive message but I place of all that, the reader or the receiver may interpret it as the negative form of the message. All these type of the interpretations depend on the specific perceptions of the individuals. So the energy and every effort to work as a team and cooperating with each other having the required trust in each other, plays a very necessary role in the communication, making it more and more effective in the nature. But in the reverse of such type of the circumstances, it is very tough and difficult to go further with the communication in an effective manner. So one should always try to make the environment more and more synergetic in the nature as with the help of this type of the environment, the perceptions will change from the negative side to the positive side, the misunderstandings will be avoided and the communication will go further in a very convenient and an effective way.

So as an employee and then at the level of the leader in an organisation, it is very much necessary in an organisation or the firm that the leader or an individual works towards making the working environment more and more synergetic in the nature as it acts as the first and the pre most requirement for the effective communication in an organisation. First of all before moving any further, one needs to understand the meaning of the synergy. The term synergy refers to the meaning that says that whole is better than its various portions or the various parts. In the environment that is synergetic in the nature, the cooperation is in fact breaded by the cooperation and the trust further breeds the trust and that too at a very facts alarming speed. But this cannot be achieved alone by the employees at the ground level but in fact the things need to be sorted out at the top level of the management as it becomes there duty and responsibility to initiate steps that would actually breed the environment towards the synergetic environment. The top management should always try to move the organisation at the ground level to move towards such an environment and with the continuous steps the time will surely come when the employees will actually start responding towards the steps taken by the top management in this very critical regard. The cooperation and the trust will surely be shown by the employees towards the steps taken by the top management sooner or later. The various research work that has been done in India and in the whole world very clearly suggest that the organisation that possesses the high level of the trust followed by the high level of the cooperation, possesses automatically the very effective level of the communication among the employees at all of the levels.

The communication should always be 2 ways which means that the information can never ever be transferred in an effective manner if it is only one way traffic as the channels will get blocked in such a situation. As if one only speaks and speaks and is not ready to listen to others and take the feedback or the reaction, then the communication will never be effective in the nature as in the sound effective type of the communication it is very necessary to get the sound feedback in order to overcome the gaps that may be prevalent in the communication that are generally caused due to the distortions, colouring and the filtering of the data. In an communication, it is necessary that the reader is very clear, concise and polite and should be able to transfer the information efficiently from his side to the other side but should also be ready to listen to the other party and then take the necessary feedback as by this only the communication is said to be complete and efficient in the nature. With the help of the efficient structure of the organisation at the various levels of the hierarchy accompanied by the efficient decentralisation with proper delegation of the responsibilities and the authorities, the communication flow in an organisation can be strengthened a lot as with the help of this all, the organisation is able to streamline, simplify and make the communication in an organisation very solid and that too in the upward direction as well as in the downward direction. The other point that is very necessary here is that no doubt the transfer of the information is very necessary and very critical in the society and at the working place for the survival but the very necessary point and that cannot be forgotten at any point of the time is that the information needs to be transferred from one point to the other as and when the same is required so in the other words it can be said that the timing of the transfer is very necessary and a very vital portion towards making the communication effective in the nature, both in the formal network and as well as in the informal network. Very adequate meetings, social gatherings, conferences, seminars etc must be brought in to the picture so that regular transfer of the information takes place in a very organised manner and that too from time to time and with the help of this the employees of an organisation will remain updated with the information that is required to be in touch with the various types of the development that takes place in the various concerning fields of the working from the technology to the various other job opportunities in the same organisation etc. so it is the responsibility of the top management as well as the middle management at the times to take or initiate the steps to create the proper platforms or the medium as these play a very vital role in the transfer of the information from one end to the other and that too in a very efficient manner. The situation must be analyzed and according to that only the proper medium for the communication must be selected as any type of the medium is not suitable all the time for every type of the situation as in the case of the employees who are not literate and here the communication medium needs to be selected as per the situation, with the help of the visual type of the communication and the oral type of the communication as well. Written form of the communication must be followed in the case of the communication that is formal in the nature but the oral communication plays a very suitable medium when the situation involves brainstorming, persuasion or the negotiations. The communication should always be very open in the nature with the transparency at the maximum level without the denial of the information as this otherwise leads to the various types of the misconceptions or the rumours in the firm or the organisation and has a very major effect on the working environment of the organisation. Now in such a situation the MBWA (Manage by Walking around) and the various forms of the open door policy help in the better and the effective communication. The open door policies these days have come in to the picture and at times have played a very major role in decreasing the gap between the employees at the various levels as here the organisation promotes and encourages the employees to come up with the concerns and the various organisational matters with the higher superiors or the immediate superiors. With the help of this type of the policy the gap that exists between the employees and the executives that exists, is filled. This policy must be followed in the written form of the communication and in such a way that the employees always feel that the doors of the organisation or the firm are always open not only physically but in the psychological way as well as this will make the communication between the employees without any type of the hesitation. The executives should not at all be only restricted to there respective cabins but should move here and there in order to make the contacts with the employees as this will make the employees bit more confident and also comfortable in the job. The other major principles of the communication involve the very appropriate use of the language that can include the words, symbols and the pictures that must be used for making the information very easily comprehensible and simple in the other words to all the respective involved employees. The use of the technical words and the words that are equivocal in the nature should not at all be encouraged and instead the same must be accompanied by the appropriate diagram as this helps the communication to be more and more effective in the nature. The communication can be effective in the nature if the same is supported by the very effective type of the listening as the whole process of the listening plays a very major role in the oral form of the communication. No doubt a huge amount of the responsibility is of the sender to send the information in the appropriate form so that it is very clear and true and concise that will make it very easy for the receiver to understand but the responsibility is of the receiver as well to try to get an in depth analysis of the message that is being sent by the sender so in the other words it can be said that the listening must be very effective in the nature and the same can be achieved if the mind will remain fresh and totally free from all the various types of the prejudices and the interpretations and one must pay the firm type of the attention to the information that is coming towards him accompanied by him or her trying to experience the emotions and the sentiments of the sender. So it can be said that for the communication to be very effective in the nature, it must possess the support of the very effective speaking accompanied by the very effective listening as well as then only the speaker will be able to get the required feed back that is very critical in the whole process of the communication as this not only makes the present communication effective in the nature but also develops the environment in such a way that all the further communications also move towards the very synergetic environment, making the communication more and more effective in the nature. Better speaking needs the support of the better listening and together both act as the platform for the effective communication and ultimately the employees get to know in a very proper way what to do and how to do and when to do and with the help of this type of the planning it becomes possible for employees to give there maximum and as a whole it allows the organisation to get the maximum out of there employees and hence helps to achieve the targets that have been set according to the vision of the firm or the organisation.

This article has been written by KJ Singh a MBA Graduate from a prestigious Business School In India
Article Published:January 1, 2018
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